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Importance of acquiring legal help for businesses

Setting up a business and running it smoothly is not easy. The process involves coordination, partnership, litigations, and disputes with several peer groups and government officials. Handling all these matters personally is not possible and requires the help of a reliable lawyer. Moreover, a strong point of a businessman is financial affairs, not a legal matter. A businessman can be unaware of all the laws about running a legal business in UAE. Once you set up a business establishment in UAE, you are subject to the law of the land. A lawyer can help you will all these matters and many others based on his/her experience and knowledge of legal affairs. There are two ways to seek legal help- either hire a permanent business lawyer or seek the services of legal firms in abu dhabi to handle your affairs. A lawyer can help in many situations such as;

Deciding the business structure – A lawyer can help you decide the exact nature of your business which is essential in acquiring the relevant license.

Handling Financial affairs - A lawyer can support financial teams in seeking finance or funds from a foreign source or any other third party which may be subject to the law of the land. Lawyers in Abu Dhabi are well-familiar with the law of the land and will keep your team clear of violations of laws.

Signing Legal Documents - A lawyer can sign a contract, Mo Us, deals, or leases with other partners on your behalf.

Handling Lawsuits - In case of any violation or lawsuit filed by the opponent, the presence of a lawyer on your team will help greatly in dealing with the situation. A lawyer can draft a response strategy and even attend court proceedings on your behalf.

Tax Issues – A lawyer can also handle legal tax matters for the business owner to avoid undesirable penalties.

Merger and Acquisition – In situations like merger and acquisition, the presence of a lawyer or legal team is crucial to protect your ultimate business goals.

Intellectual Property: The issues of intellectual property are common in business dealing such as in logos, trademark registration, slogans, company name, etc. These are small matters but can cause so much frustration if not tackled on time.

Hiring Process – Seeking the help of a trusted lawyer or law firm can also help you in the recruitment process of employees from different nationalities in UAE as well as help in the visa process.

Dispute resolution – In case when you and your opponent do not want to indulge in court proceedings and want to resolve the disputes impartially, the help of arbitration law firms in Abu Dhabi comes handy. It is the best and speedy way to resolve disputes without involving the courts.

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